Monday, November 4, 2013

Assignment 7

 You must write at least 3 sentences for questions 1,2,5, and 6. You should answer in your own words and will need to do internet research to complete the assignment.

1. Go to and look around it a little bit. Now go to Now why do you think the .com website is more exciting than the .org website? 
Because the .com website has 3D images and videos and a lot of animation and colors. However the .org has nothing just the information and any image. 
2. Why do you think the Disney website has more hyperlinks, advertisements, and other distracting options to click on?
Because I think that those are just viruses or things that the page put for you to pay something that says there just because it's attractive with colors.

3. If you had to construct/create your own webpage from the beginning, what would you want it to be about and why?

I would want to be about the top magazines around the world and to have a searcher for people to find out the best outfits and if you like it you also can click on buy and then the money goes part for me and part for the magazine where you bought the clothes or accessories.
Because I like fashion and that would be a good idea to earn money from the internet.

4. How many programmers do you think would have to work with you to make your website possible? Would it seem impossible to construct/create a webpage by yourself? Why? 

I would need a lot of help by doing my website because it's difficult to decorate and to find it interesting for people and the magazines that want to be on my page.

5. What would you want to name your website? Type that name into the web-address bar, is it taken already? but it's already taken by a Chinese company.

6. Explain why webpages with flash videos, images, and color take longer to load than pages with only text?

Because there are much more things to charge than just charging text.